Sunday, October 29, 2006

Zoho: I wrote a poem!

I created an account with Zoho. At first it would not let me log in to my new account. So I used the guest account (kinda like a sandbox)to play with the features. The buttons for special characters and emoticons were not visible, but I was able to display and use them. Today I was able to log in to my Zoho account. I wrote a poem. I was unable to use the publish feature to put it in a post, either due to operator error, or because I am using Beta Blogger (sounds like something your computer needs to prevent heart attacks, or at least the blue screen of death). Couldn't export as html either. So I tried copying it, but lost all my cool formatting. So, like all the rest of what we have learned, I need to continue working with it to understand its idiosyncrasies (there's one for spell check). Well, here is the poem anyway:

With Learning 2.0

We're learning new stuff

All web-based and current,

It's not really tough.

Web 2.0 tools,

They are so much fun

Create silly poems

As bad as this one.

From pictures and docs

To downloadable books

We know that its not

As hard as it looks.

Our MP3 player

Will be really handy

This Learning 2.0

Is really quite dandy!

1 comment:

Arvind said...

Thanks for signing up with Zoho Writer!

Our apologies. We are continuously working on improving our users' experiences. Hope you will have a much nicer experience soon. Do mails us your feedback to feedback(at)

And the last line of your cool poem reminds me of an Ogden Nash's -

Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker
