Monday, October 30, 2006

Ta Da!!!!!

Well, I made it. Rather proud of myself too!

I have already had instances when Learning 2.0 helped me. Just this morning I needed to try to explain blogging to a patron. Not only could I explain what they were for, but I could show her mine, how to do a post, and other examples thanks to my blogroll! I could even tell her about technorati and explain how people find blogs.

The two biggest challenges have been time, and myself. Time, or lack thereof, is obvious. Myself meaning I got obsessive about some things. Like not being able to add an animation to a post. But I kept at it. I do believe that some of the tasks could use some FAQs, to help people troubleshoot.

My favorite activity was mashups.

The greatest benefit is that I am much more comfortable with web 2.0 tools, and will be utilizing and exploring them further. I look forward to helping others find their way with these tools, and finding applications for them. I will definitely keep blogging, I may even have a jewelry blog. And there wasn't that much I could find surprisingly about children and technology. Need to fill that niche.

I am thrilled to have been a part of the "original" learning 2.0, and happy it is being copied in so many other places. Thanks for the learning opportunities, and the opened doors.

1 comment:

HeleneB said...

Yeah! Congrats on completing 23 things and thanks so much for your support on your team too!

So glad to hear some skills and knowledge have already become useful -- and yup! Your MP3 player is on its way!! :)